This action will permanently delete this object. Click "Delete" to confirm this action, or "Cancel" to keep the object and return to the Object Manager. You have already defined more Sentries and/or Notifiers than are allowed by this license. When restarted, PageSentry will not be able to load all defined objects. There is not enough memory to open this editor window. Please quit PageSentry and increase its memory allocation. Network and server information can not be retrieved for that folder. The folder selected for testing must be on a remote AppleShare-compatible file server. One or more editor windows are currently open. Quitting now will cause changes to be lost. Do you really want to quit? The proxy information entered is invalid and will be ignored. The port number may be invalid, or the URL may be too long. Quitting PageSentry will cease testing of your servers. Are you sure you want to quit? Warning! Memory is low. Sentries can no longer be displayed in the status window. Please quit PageSentry and increase it's memory partition. Warning! Changing the Sentry Type will overwrite your current settings. Are you sure you want to change this Sentry to another type? This sentry has no notifiers assigned. If the sentry is executed and fails, PageSentry will not notify you of the failure. Save this sentry with no notifiers? PageSentry can not load all the sentries from the preferences file. Some sentry configuration information has been lost. This version of PageSentry does not support as many sentries as are currently saved in your preferences. Select 'Delete' to permanently delete those that can not be loaded or 'Abort' to avoid saving changes to the preferences file. PageSentry does not have enough memory to load all the sentries from the preferences file. Select 'Delete' to permanently delete the ones that can not be loaded or select 'Abort' to avoid saving changes to the preferences file. PageSentry does not have enough memory to startup. Please increase the application partition size or delete your PageSentry preferences file. Warning! Changing the Notifier Type will overwrite your current settings. Are you sure you want to change this Notifier to another type?